Решил выложить пак прицепов. прицепов очень много. автор Author: Vaarduar версия Version: 1.7.8 версия игры 1.3.1 и 1.3.0 Сам ездию недели две. вылеты есть, но от нехватки памяти, да и не так часто. тестил на марио карте и новой карте польше 1.3.1 скришноты автора
мои фото с игрового меню
Доступно только для пользователей Добавлено (16.05.2013, 21:38) --------------------------------------------- P.S нет в паке своих фирм и нет веса груза. вес груза сам прописал, фирмы тоже добавил из пака 82 прицепа. по желанию сам все сделает кому нужно. хоть и мелочи, но неприятные. так же мод имеет тяжелую экономику
Здравствуйте scaniatrucker, спасибо что выложили обновленный пак прицепов. Подскажите пожалуйста, чем отличается версия с доработанной экономикой от простой? Какая между ними разница - если не трудно.
Подскажите пожалуйста, чем отличается версия с доработанной экономикой от простой? Какая между ними разница - если не трудно.
Приветствую! Конечно не трудно, пак прицепов с доработанной экономикой затрагивает оплату за доставку грузов, т.е. цены уменьшены, также доработанная система уровней (новый уровень достигается значительно дольше), так же доработанные цены за дизель! Как повезло властям, что люди ни когда не думают..
scaniatrucker, привет уменя стоял такой пак? и нановой версии игры у меня перестал работать. например взял груз горох и вылет. кто нибудь может адаптировать его под
alex2017, уже давно вышел обновленный пак и готовится еще новее под версию выше тобой указанной, но у меня последний пак работает от версии 1.4.8 на ура для версии если нужен, напиши мне в личку вышлю ссылку.
alex2017, и у меня пак 1.8.1 работал исправно на 1.5.2.Значит у Вас несовместимость пошла!Попробуйте просто с одним паком прицепов на чистой игре.Тогда и узнаете в чём ошибка!Пастор_Мальдонадо, про новый пак не слышал,спасибо за новость! Живу для тех, кому нужен, дружу лишь с теми, в ком уверен, общаюсь с теми, кто приятен, и благодарен тем, кто ценит.
valera13, я уже разобрался с вылетом из за этого пака который у меня стоял, а на предедущей версии он работалTRAILERS PACK with Realistic Textures
Добавлено (29.09.2013, 00:45) --------------------------------------------- Пастор_Мальдонадо, а когда выйдет свежее обновление скинов для прицепов для новой версии ?
Пастор_Мальдонадо, Виталя,прицепы вышли!!!На сайте автора!Уже потестил! Живу для тех, кому нужен, дружу лишь с теми, в ком уверен, общаюсь с теми, кто приятен, и благодарен тем, кто ценит.
Пастор_Мальдонадо, спасибо за ссылку. Мод обалденный. От разнообразия скинов глаза разбегаются. За два часа так и не увидел повторяющегося скина на фурах.
Пастор_Мальдонадо, скажи надо начинать новую игру если на новой версии пака скинов появились новые прицепы? но у меня вылеты идут часто на карте от марио то не доехав до бензоколонки или в городе, раньше такого и небыло, другие скины были и не вылетала так часто
Сообщение отредактировал alex2017 - Среда, 02.10.2013, 13:14
alex2017, я играю на скандинавии. вылетов вообще нет, с кучей модов. сделал два рейса, все пока нормально. да и скандинавия сама по стабильнее чем марио карта.
Пастор_Мальдонадо, я ставил сежую версию скинов в игру нечего не превело, одни вылеты идут на карте от марио и на дефолте, я смотрел лог внизу было написано : ошибка скин пема не грузиться . вот сталкнулся с такой проблемой.
alex2017, странно что и на дефолте вылет, я пользуюсь только этим паком. у меня вообще никогда вылетов не было из за этого пака, разных версий паков и разных версий патчей, всегда шли с кучей модов. ты выложи лог, может кто из ребят по логу тебе совет даст, кто более-менее в логах разбирается
Пастор_Мальдонадо, вот лог может у меня комп слабоват
00:02:01.654 : Loaded trailers: 14000:02:01.673 : Loaded small traffic vehicles: 29 00:02:01.676 : Loaded truck traffic vehicles: 11 00:02:01.699 : Loaded traffic trailers: 147 00:02:01.701 : Loaded addon hookups: 33 00:02:01.724 : Loading resource server data .... 00:02:01.724 : Loading road data .... 00:02:01.733 : Loading terrain data .... 00:02:01.777 : Loading railing data .... 00:02:01.780 : Loading building data .... 00:02:01.789 : Loading model data .... 00:02:01.803 : Loading prefab data .... 00:02:04.585 : Loading sign data .... 00:02:04.630 : Loading traffic lights data .... 00:02:04.632 : Loading vegetation data .... 00:02:04.649 : Loading hinges data .... 00:02:04.668 : Loading stamp data .... 00:02:04.689 : Loading movers data .... 00:02:04.692 : Loading ferry data .... 00:02:04.694 : Loading country data .... 00:02:04.713 : Loading sound item data .... 00:02:04.722 : Loading live stream data .... 00:02:04.739 : Loading game condition data .... 00:02:04.755 : Loading trigger action data .... 00:02:04.772 : Loading cutscene data .... 00:02:04.855 : Loading cargo data .... 00:02:04.881 : Loading company data .... 00:02:04.885 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.bcp': output list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.885 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.bcp': input list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.888 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.euroacres': output list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.888 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.euroacres': input list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.890 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.eurogoodies': output list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.890 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.eurogoodies': input list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.894 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.fcp': output list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.894 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.fcp': input list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.897 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.itcc': output list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.897 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.itcc': input list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.900 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.kaarfor': input list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.902 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.lkwlog': output list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.902 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.lkwlog': input list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.914 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.nbfc': output list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.914 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.nbfc': input list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.919 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.posped': output list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.919 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.posped': input list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.934 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.sanbuilders': output list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.934 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.sanbuilders': input list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.937 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.sellplan': input list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.940 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.skoda': output list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.940 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.skoda': input list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.942 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.stokes': output list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.942 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.stokes': input list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.954 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.tradeaux': output list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.954 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.tradeaux': input list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.965 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.trameri': output list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.965 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.trameri': input list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.969 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.transinet': output list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.969 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.transinet': input list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.981 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.tree_et': output list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.981 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.tree_et': input list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.983 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.wgcc': output list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.983 : <WARNING> Company 'company.permanent.wgcc': input list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism. 00:02:04.989 : Loading city data .... 00:02:05.133 : Resources load time: 13536ms (18 MB) 00:02:05.142 : Map '/map/europe.mbd' loading started .... 00:02:11.041 : Map successfully loaded. 00:02:11.074 : Map load time: 5920ms (63 MB) 00:02:11.237 : <WARNING> [/def/economy_data.sii] No available truck brands are specified; the truck_brands array should not be empty! Using ETS2 defaults. 00:02:11.473 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/model/symbol/unload.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:02:12.091 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of '1880ls.mercedes.actros.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.091 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of '1832ls.mercedes.actros.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.091 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of '1836ls.mercedes.actros.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.091 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of '1841ls.mercedes.actros.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.091 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of '1844ls.mercedes.actros.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.091 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of '1846ls.mercedes.actros.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.091 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of '1848ls.mercedes.actros.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.092 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of '1851ls.mercedes.actros.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.092 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of '1855ls.mercedes.actros.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.092 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of '1860ls.mercedes.actros.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.092 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of '1897ls.mercedes.actros.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.092 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'act1x.mercedes.actros.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.155 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'mx698.daf.xf.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.156 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'mx265.daf.xf.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.156 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'mx300.daf.xf.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.156 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'mx340.daf.xf.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.156 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'mx375.daf.xf.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.158 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'xf1x.daf.xf.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.158 : <ERROR> [unit]File '/def/vehicle/truck/daf.xf/transmission/121_speed.sii', line 15: 00:02:12.158 : <ERROR> Expecting end of file, found '}' 00:02:12.202 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'cur13_480.iveco.stralis.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.202 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'cur13_850.iveco.stralis.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.202 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'cur10_420.iveco.stralis.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.202 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'cur10_450.iveco.stralis.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.202 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'cur13_500.iveco.stralis.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.203 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'cur13_560.iveco.stralis.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.203 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'cur8_310.iveco.stralis.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.203 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'cur8_330.iveco.stralis.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.203 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'cur8_360.iveco.stralis.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.203 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'st1x.iveco.stralis.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.248 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'd2868_1360.man.tgx.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.248 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'd2868_670.man.tgx.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.248 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'd2066_235.man.tgx.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.248 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'd2066_265.man.tgx.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.248 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'd2066_294.man.tgx.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.248 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'd2676_324.man.tgx.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.248 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'd2676_353.man.tgx.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.248 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'd2676_397.man.tgx.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.249 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'd2868_500.man.tgx.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.249 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'tg1x.man.tgx.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.312 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dxi14_700.renault.magnum.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.312 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dxi13_440.renault.magnum.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.313 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dxi13_480.renault.magnum.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.313 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dxi13_520.renault.magnum.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.313 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'mg1x.renault.magnum.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.350 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dxi14_700.renault.premium.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.351 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dxi11_380.renault.premium.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.351 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dxi11_430.renault.premium.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.351 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dxi11_460.renault.premium.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.351 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'pr1x.renault.premium.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.400 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dc12_230.scania.r.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.400 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dc16_1020.scania.r.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.400 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dc12_380.scania.r.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.400 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dc12_420.scania.r.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.401 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dc13_360.scania.r.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.401 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dc13_400.scania.r.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.401 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dc13_440.scania.r.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.401 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dc13_440_2.scania.r.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.401 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dc13_480.scania.r.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.401 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dc13_480_2.scania.r.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.401 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dc16_500.scania.r.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.402 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dc16_560.scania.r.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.402 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dc16_620.scania.r.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.402 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dc16_730.scania.r.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.402 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'sr1x.scania.r.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.492 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'd13c420.volvo.fh16.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.493 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'd13c460.volvo.fh16.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.493 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'd13c500.volvo.fh16.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.493 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'd13c540.volvo.fh16.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.493 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'd13k460.volvo.fh16.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.493 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'd16g540.volvo.fh16.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.494 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'd16g600.volvo.fh16.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.494 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'd16g700.volvo.fh16.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.494 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'd16g750.volvo.fh16.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.494 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'd16g1080.volvo.fh16.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.494 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'fh1x.volvo.fh16.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.574 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'hi1x.iveco.hiway.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:12.672 : Road network navigation caching started. 00:02:21.360 : Road network navigation caching finished. 00:02:21.756 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/prefab/garage/garage_poor.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:02:21.847 : Economy load time: 30250ms (37 MB) 00:02:22.126 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dc16_620.scania.r.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:02:24.026 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/truck.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:02:24.128 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/wipers.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:02:25.921 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/wheel/steel/front.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:02:25.978 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/wheel/steel/rear.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:02:34.383 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/wheel/steel/rear_single.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:02:34.510 : Create actor: (56 MB) 00:02:34.633 : Game init finished. (176 MB) 00:02:38.188 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/ui_shadow_6x2.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:02:50.155 : [startup]spawned 21 vehicles 00:02:55.504 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/lod_01.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:02:56.752 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/lod_02.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:02:58.061 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/lod_03.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:03:01.443 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/wheel/steel/385_65_r22_5.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:05:00.516 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/prefab/sawmill/sawmill_02.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:05:31.065 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/mercedes_actros_2009/lod_01.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:05:32.171 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/mercedes_actros_2009/lod_02.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:05:32.218 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/mercedes_actros_2009/lod_03.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:05:43.478 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'mx340.daf.xf.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:05:50.661 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'mx265.daf.xf.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:05:52.891 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/prefab/garage/garage.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:08:08.547 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/616C657832303135/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ... 00:08:09.241 : Game has been auto-saved. 00:08:40.266 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/truck.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:08:40.292 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/wipers.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:08:40.366 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/ui_shadow_6x2.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:08:48.286 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/616C657832303135/save/autosave/game.sii) ... 00:08:48.417 : Game has been auto-saved. 00:08:50.700 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'd16g750.volvo.fh16.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:09:04.400 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'cur8_360.iveco.stralis.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:09:04.435 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'd2676_353.man.tgx.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:09:04.435 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'd16g600.volvo.fh16.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:09:04.550 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'd16g700.volvo.fh16.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:09:33.949 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'cur13_560.iveco.stralis.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:09:34.149 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of '1851ls.mercedes.actros.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:09:34.233 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dxi11_380.renault.premium.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:09:35.844 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/mercedes_actros_2009/lod_01.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:09:35.865 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/mercedes_actros_2009/wipers_bc.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:09:37.374 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of '1846ls.mercedes.actros.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:09:42.341 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dc12_420.scania.r.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:09:42.687 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/upgrade/sideskirts/scania_rcab_2009/sideskirt_plate.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:09:42.787 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/mercedes_actros_2009/ui_shadow_4x2.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:09:42.807 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/mercedes_actros_2009/wipers.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:09:43.922 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/ui_shadow_4x2.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:09:44.381 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'mx375.daf.xf.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:09:44.432 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'd2066_294.man.tgx.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:09:47.866 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dxi13_480.renault.magnum.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:09:47.881 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dc16_500.scania.r.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:09:48.832 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/ui_shadow_6x4.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:09:50.240 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/mercedes_actros_2009/ui_shadow_6x2.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:09:57.452 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/616C657832303135/save/autosave_job_5/game.sii) ... 00:09:57.566 : Game has been auto-saved. 00:10:44.765 : [startup]spawned 3 vehicles 00:10:44.897 : [startup]spawned 6 vehicles 00:10:45.895 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/mercedes_actros_2009/lod_02.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:10:45.900 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/mercedes_actros_2009/lod_03.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:10:46.539 : [startup]spawned 12 vehicles 00:10:48.250 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/lod_02.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:10:49.732 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/lod_03.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:11:11.165 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/model/symbol/unload.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:12:45.967 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/wheel/steel/rear_single.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:13:02.763 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/lod_01.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:13:02.784 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/lod_02.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:13:02.805 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/lod_03.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:13:06.422 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/prefab/garage/garage_poor.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:14:42.660 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/mercedes_actros_2009/lod_01.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:14:42.685 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/mercedes_actros_2009/wipers_bc.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:14:46.009 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/mercedes_actros_2009/ui_shadow_6x2.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:14:46.027 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/mercedes_actros_2009/ui_shadow_4x2.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:14:46.792 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/wipers.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:14:49.159 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/ui_shadow_6x2.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:14:49.173 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/upgrade/sideskirts/scania_rcab_2009/sideskirt_plate.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:14:51.174 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/ui_shadow_4x2.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:14:51.333 : <ERROR> Cylinder volume of 'dc13_360.scania.r.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00. 00:14:51.592 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/mercedes_actros_2009/wipers.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:15:05.546 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/model/symbol/unload.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:15:17.047 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/lod_02.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:15:18.533 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/lod_03.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:15:29.928 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/wheel/steel/rear_single.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance! 00:16:10.418 : <ERROR> [resource_task] Can not load '/vehicle/trailer_eu/livery/krone.coolliner-m-p/pema.dds'. 00:16:10.558 : <ERROR> .\m_manager_pool.cpp(200): ?alloc_mem@memory_manager_pool_t@prism@@UAEPAXIPAVc_item_t@2@@Z: [mem]unable to get an empty memory block...
Добавлено (08.10.2013, 17:54) --------------------------------------------- Пастор_Мальдонадо, это все началось из за свежего пака скинов, а тот что который ты выложил этот пак работает без проблемм
Сообщение отредактировал alex2017 - Вторник, 08.10.2013, 17:49
alex2017, да у тебя же памяти не хватает. пропиши pool 512 я на марио карте когда немного играл именно это прописал и все пошло на ура. у меня 4 гига, 4 ядра комп
Цитата (BlackMAN)
Мод обалденный. От разнообразия скинов глаза разбегаются. За два часа так и не увидел повторяющегося скина на фурах.
да не то слово, мне прицеп в трафике DHL не попадался недели три точно, на днях только пролетела фура с ним, 219 прицепов в паке!
Пастор_Мальдонадо, я сам подкапливаю денюшек чтоб обновить комп, буду менять все и оперативку ставить которая на 12 гб чтоб тормозов небыло в етс 2, ну и все остальное
Добавлено (09.10.2013, 00:41) --------------------------------------------- Пастор_Мальдонадо, я играю в етс 2 на дефолте почти тормозов нет, но тормозит в городах но не во всех
Сообщение отредактировал alex2017 - Среда, 09.10.2013, 00:42
тебе надо улучшать комп. как ты на двух гигах вообще еще играешь , странно.
Комп то слабоват и действительно фатальный вылет ссылается на нехватку оперативки, но судя по логу: ошибок и ошибок, вот и не может оператива с ними справиться. Попробуйте себе столько задач поставить, десять голов нужно, что бы решить уравнения с множеством неизвестных
Сообщение отредактировал igorka1972 - Четверг, 10.10.2013, 21:59
Пастор_Мальдонадо, Спасибо за ссылку, не подскажешь где взять мод на вес груза буду признателен. Верный признак дурака, отрицать все как невозможное, что не подтверждено его личным опытом.