Тут обсуждаем моделирование, задаем вопросы - отвечаем
продолжение, начало 1,2, 3, 4, 5 и 6 ПАЦАН СКАЗАЛ-ПАЦАН СДЕЛАЛ!ПАЦАН НЕ СДЕЛАЛ-ПАЦАН ЗАБЫЛ! скайп, при запросе контакта, указывайте свой ник с сайтаМой канал на ютубеМой канал на ютубе 2
23:06:23 : [Ode] Starting physics server: Open Dynamics Engine (svn revision 1119) 23:06:24 : Loading resource server data .... 23:06:24 : Loading road data .... 23:06:24 : Loading terrain data .... 23:06:24 : Loading railing data .... 23:06:24 : Loading building data .... 23:06:24 : Loading model data .... 23:06:24 : Loading prefab data .... 23:06:24 : Loading sign data .... 23:06:24 : Loading traffic lights data .... 23:06:24 : Loading vegetation data .... 23:06:24 : Loading hinges data .... 23:06:25 : Loading stamp data .... 23:06:25 : Loading movers data .... 23:06:25 : Loading animated models .... 23:06:25 : Loading sound item data .... 23:06:25 : Loading live stream data .... 23:06:25 : Loading cargo data .... 23:06:25 : Loading company data .... 23:06:25 : Loading city data .... 23:06:25 : Loading cargo descriptions .... 23:06:25 : Map '/map/germany.mbd' loading started .... 23:06:25 : Map successfully loaded .... 23:06:26 : Starting the campaign ... 23:06:47 : f:\devel\eurotruck_at\prism\src\p3core\collections/arrays/arrays_base_impl.h(466): ??A?$array_t@V?$string_dyn_t@Udefault_mstring_allocator_t@prism@@@prism@@@prism@@QAEAAV?$string_dyn_t@Udefault_mstring_allocator_t@prism@@@1 @I@Z: Index outside array boundaries.
Ставил свою Вольву эвакуатор, когда ее только делал все работало отлично, а сейчас что то не хочет, подскажите в чем может быть проблема... (в папке mod это единственный мод...) Год за годом, день за днём, дальнобойщик за рулём...
Сообщение отредактировал Gruzovichok - Вторник, 11.09.2012, 23:11
Ребят у меня такая проблема, решил наконец научится текстурировать детали, учился по хэлпу, проблема в том что когда в занозе выбираю нужную текстуру она должна появится при виде "3D" и "Редактор UV" а у меня не появляется... как это исправить??? на скрине примерно понятно какая ситуация... Доступно только для пользователей
KONDRATOV161rus, потому что, нужно наложить текстуру на выделенный объект, перед тем как его текстурировать, для этого открой менеджер материалов, выдели мат с нужной тебе текстурой и нажми применить или ОК. Я вернулся на форум и начинаю делать моды...
SeniorSancho, ну смотри как я делаю, выделяю деталь, захожу в редактор материалов, выбираю нужную текстуру и нажимаю применить к выделенному... ты про это?
16:57:53 : [Ode] Starting physics server: Open Dynamics Engine (svn revision 1119) 16:57:53 : Loading city data .... 16:57:53 : Loading cargo descriptions .... 16:57:53 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/script/en_gb/cargo.sii) 16:57:53 : load_filtered_unit_array() - Failed to open file (/script/en_gb/cargo.sii) 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:57:58 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/small.font) 16:57:58 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/small.font 16:58:05 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:05 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:05 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:05 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:05 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:05 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:05 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:05 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:05 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:05 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:05 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:05 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:05 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:05 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:05 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:05 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:05 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:05 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:07 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:07 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:07 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:07 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:07 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:07 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:07 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:07 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:07 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:07 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:07 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:07 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:07 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:07 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:07 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:07 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:07 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:07 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:07 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:07 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:07 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:07 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:07 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:07 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:07 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:07 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:08 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:08 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:09 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:09 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:09 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:09 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:09 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:09 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:09 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:09 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:09 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:09 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:09 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:09 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:09 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:09 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:09 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:09 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:09 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:09 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:09 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:09 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:09 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:09 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:09 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:09 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:09 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:09 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:09 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:09 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:09 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:09 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:09 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:09 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:09 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:09 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:09 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:09 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:10 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:10 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:10 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:10 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:10 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:10 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:10 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:10 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:11 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:11 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:11 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:11 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:11 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:11 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:11 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:11 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:11 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:11 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:13 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:13 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:13 : game 16:58:13 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:13 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:14 : [Ode] Starting physics server: Open Dynamics Engine (svn revision 1119) 16:58:14 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:14 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:14 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:14 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:14 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:14 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:14 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:14 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:14 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:14 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:14 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:14 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:14 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:14 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:14 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:14 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:14 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:14 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:14 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:14 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:14 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:14 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:14 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:14 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:14 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:14 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:14 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:14 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:14 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:14 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:15 : Loading resource server data .... 16:58:15 : Loading road data .... 16:58:15 : Loading terrain data .... 16:58:15 : Loading railing data .... 16:58:15 : Loading building data .... 16:58:15 : Loading model data .... 16:58:15 : Loading prefab data .... 16:58:15 : Loading sign data .... 16:58:15 : Loading traffic lights data .... 16:58:15 : Loading vegetation data .... 16:58:15 : Loading hinges data .... 16:58:15 : Loading stamp data .... 16:58:15 : Loading movers data .... 16:58:15 : Loading animated models .... 16:58:16 : Loading sound item data .... 16:58:16 : Loading live stream data .... 16:58:16 : Loading cargo data .... 16:58:16 : Loading company data .... 16:58:16 : Loading city data .... 16:58:16 : Loading cargo descriptions .... 16:58:16 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/script/en_gb/cargo.sii) 16:58:16 : load_filtered_unit_array() - Failed to open file (/script/en_gb/cargo.sii) 16:58:16 : Map '/map/germany.mbd' loading started .... 16:58:17 : Map successfully loaded .... 16:58:18 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:18 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:18 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:18 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:18 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:18 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:18 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:18 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:18 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/bold.font) 16:58:18 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/bold.font 16:58:18 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:18 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:18 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:18 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:18 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:18 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:18 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:18 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:18 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:18 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:18 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:18 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:18 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:18 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:18 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/small.font) 16:58:18 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/small.font 16:58:18 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/small.font) 16:58:18 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/small.font 16:58:18 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:18 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:18 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/small.font) 16:58:18 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/small.font
[fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/script/en_gb/cargo.sii) 16:58:16 : load_filtered_unit_array() - Failed to open file (/script/en_gb/cargo.sii)
Quote (Зохн)
[fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font) 16:58:18 : [font parse] can't open /font/encoding/normal.font 16:58:18 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/font/encoding/normal.font)
не находит шрифтовю Чтобы удивиться, нужно мгновение, а чтобы сделать удивительную вещь, нужны годы терпения и упорного труда.
Ребят подскажите почему я в игре в консоли и в стдс и в гтс прописываю edit map и у меня сразу комп зависает? P.s помогите кто чем может Мой скайп Volvo_Fh16_ Мой канал на YouTube
Volvo_Fh16, в самом первом окне, где идет переключение с Опена на Директ и т.д.Сбоку возле выбора видеоадаптера есть две позиции: Full i Window. Возле Window поставь галочку, наставь параметры окна, игра запустится в оконном режиме.
Ребят, в общем такое дело, поставил наклейку на двери, с одной стороны она нормальная, а с другой задом наперёд! как исправить? Доступно только для пользователей
Всем привет. Вопрос по Максу. решил делать модель по чертежу,создал бокс далее применяю такую штуку как Flip Normals,но после этого бокс становится вот таким далее загружаю чертёж в материалы После этого материал перетаскиваю на бокс ,но ни чего не произошло,а должен чертёж появится на боксе...что это может быть? несколько раз я уже делал так,было всё нормально...